Chicken raising workshop in regard to introducing the five principles of animal welfare.

The increasing number of livestocks that is not followed by breeders awareness about animal welfare prompted Lakamali to organize chickeen breeders seminer in regard to introduce the five principles of animal welfare; 1) the freedom from hunger, thirsty, and malnutrition., 2) freedom from discomfort physically and air temperature, 3) freedom from pain, injury and decease, 4) freedom from fear and distress, and 5) freedom to express natural behaviour.


There were a hundreed participants who join the program was comprised of farmers and chicken breeders from Baubau City, Buton Regency, and South Buton Regency.


In the opening ceremony, the seminar was opened by the major of Baubau City, Mr. Monianse, who argue that the unique and eco-friendly activities has increased in Baubau town. Besides, there was also the member of house council, Mr. Hugua, and the director of Lakamali, Mr. Sahirsan.


In the workshop, participants got interesting knowledge about animal welfare including how they can treat their chicken livestocks appropriately. There was also a government embodiment from Baubau city and South Buton city who talked about to bridge policies and farmers necesities in improving their breeders welfare.
