Daily Project: PelukAKU
22nd September 2022, Lakamali organizes a project called “PelukAKU” Pendidikan Lingkungan Anak Usia Dini. In this project, Lakamali initiates to introduces about environment and ecosystem balance by direct visit in Botanical Garden, Kendari City-Southeast Sulawesi.
The project engages two primary schools in Kendari namely; SD N 25 Kendari and SD N 35 Kendari. Each schools sent 50 students to involve in the peluAKU Project.
In the project, students directly interact with nature and discussing with their peers about how to protect the environment. During the activities, Lakamali’s staff, teachers, and parents accompany children to surround botanical garden.
Children also got environmental education from the representative of environmental district and Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (Walhi) Sulawesi Tenggara. The interactive discussion in the event make children known more about environment and what kind of actions that they can do “today” and in the “future” to solve the environmental crissis.